Restaurants, Hotels, Craft Shops, Spas, and Eco-Shops – By supporting the businesses listed below, you can use your tourist dollars to help local people and the environment. Each business incorporates aspects of responsible tourism such as employing graduates from training programs that help at-risk women, the disabled, or people living in poverty, have policies against sex-tourism and child trafficking and practices that protect the environment, support fair-trade, and/or are social enterprises or humanitarian NGOs (non-governmental organizations). 

Phnom Penh (Updated February 2024)



Fair-Trade Craft Shops

Spa, Massage and Eco-Shops

Siem Riep (Updated February 2024)



Fair-Trade Craft Shops

Responsible Travel Cambodia – Siem Riep – Feb 2024

Responsible Travel Guide Cambodia: Improving Lives Through Thoughtful Travel Choices by Pujita Nanette Mayeda and Friendship with Cambodia

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Updated in 2017 – but lots has changed since COVID.

Responsible Travel Guide Cambodia provides tourists with the resources they need to have an enjoyable and meaningful vacation that helps local people.

Travelers who face the ethical challenge of vacationing in a place where most people cannot afford food or school tuition will put their minds at ease when they read this guidebook. Instead of feeling conflicted, travelers can feel good because they are making a positive difference in people’s lives